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Summer Concert
20th July 2019 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
*Tickets: £10 full, £9 concession and £5 child. The front rows will be reserved for wheelchairs and people with mobility problems.
*Programme advertising – if you know of anyone who would like to place an ad in the programme prices are:- Full page £40, Half page £20, Quarter page £10.
*Rehearsal on the day of the concert will start at 2:00pm at QKA and finish by 4:00pm to allow a decent break in between rehearsal and performance. We will need to set up the foyer after the rehearsal ready for the evening so would be grateful for your usual help!
*Jobs – please sign up at rehearsal. We also need 2 or 3 people who aren’t choir members to pop out at soon as the concert ends and before the audience leave to supervise people coming to collect raffle prizes! If you have a family member coming who is happy to pop out and do this it would be a great help!